Plisga & Day provides many types of land development, engineering or architectural related measuring and project management services. We regularly work on a team that may include an environmental consultant, engineer or architect who work together to submit your proposal to a municipality for project review. Depending on the project, we are often the lead consultant that prepare forms, plans and communications to the review authority.
Our residential projects have included new house siting, building addition planning, tree and garden mapping services for a Landscape Architect, shore zone development and family lot subdivisions or partitions. Some of our commercial development projects include retail development or site plans, impervious surface checks, interior office square footage calculations, condominium lotting, office space planning, parking lot upgrades, stormwater system mapping, utility line retracement and corridor mapping to name a few.
- Topographic Surveys
- Site Design and Plan Preparation
- Construction Layout
- Subdivisions
- Environmental Permitting
- Project Management
- Land Use Planning
Following are some of the more interesting and challenging development and engineering projects:
- Construction layout and as-built survey of U.S. Mail processing center in Hampden, Maine. Over 40 steel pilings were precisely staked and monitored after being pounded into the ground.
- Because of the unique architecture of the Alfond Arena at the University of Maine, Plisga & Day monitored the roof for sag during and after expansion of the existing building.
- Many miles of transmission line location for re-rating and new structure stakeout.
- Staked 28 miles of utility transmission line for proposed wind-power project in Eustis, Maine. Terrain with drastic elevation changes and very little access made this project quite challenging.
- Bangor Hydro-Electric Company power line. Staked out 30 miles of 345 KV line from Orrington, Maine to New Brunswick, Canada.
- Day Road in Brewer, Maine. Plisga & Day performed profile and cross-sections on the entire length of the Day Road. Plan and Profile drawings also included site information such as utility poles, culverts, and driveways. PK nails were set every fifty feet along centerline of the newly designed road.
- Coastal development site plans for the Winterport Marina, United States Coast Guard Stations, Cutler Naval Station and Winter Harbor.
- Department of Environmental Protection Site Location Application for Webb’s RV Center in Brewer, Maine. The site shows hundreds of recreational vehicles on premises.