Patrick J. Donovan, PLS
Professional Land Surveyor
Pat has been employed full-time with the firm since 1998 and been a State of Maine Licensed Professional Land Surveyor since 2000. In 1979 Pat graduated from the Residential Building Construction program at, what is now, Eastern Maine Community College in Bangor. Pat worked as a carpenter and cabinet maker for 10 years in Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Maine, He earned an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology from the University of Maine in 1994 and has worked in the land surveying field ever since.
Among the professional training seminars he has attended are:
- Floodplains and FEMA/National Flood Insurance Program
- Mean High Water Survey for the Professional Land Surveyor
- Orthometric Heights
- ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys
Special Expertise:
- Boundary Retracement Surveys
- FEMA Flood Elevation Certificate/Letter of Map Amendment
- Mean High Water Survey
- Construction Layouts
- Interior Office Measurements